Next Generation Healthcare Analytics.

Making patient care data-driven, in real-time.

We provide healthcare organisations with a data analytics platforms that is built on top of a sophisticated data collection engine that collects and aggregates patient outcomes data that can be used by healthcare providers to support clients undergoing treatment.

On top of this platform we layer intuitive and easy to use applications to support analysis.
We call it Physidata.

Automated Patient Outcomes Data Management.

Treatment-centric technology for data collection.

Using our uniquely integrated proprietary technology for patient engagement, we enable the collection of a defined range of patient outcomes data via easy to use patient apps and websites.

The data is automatically entered into and aggregated in the client’s own cloud hosted secure and database which is maintained by our team of engineers and statisticians.

Realtime Clinical Studies.

Combining human and machine intelligence.

We effectively remove friction between data collection, aggregation and analysis thanks to a perfectly balanced combination between machine-based and human intelligence.

Users interact with the data that we have turned into easy to access and interpret components of the client’s own Physidata system that is built on top of the data collection engine.

Users can explore and analyse outcomes from defined cohorts that are selected with easily managed filters that are based on patient specific criteria defined by the client.

Patient Journey Optimization.

Improving treatment quality while collecting data.

Our technology uniquely fuses the client treatment process with data collection, which provides an opportunity for the healthcare provider to use the outcomes data that is collected to tweak the parameters of the treatment - in realtime, throughout the treatment process.

Via our patient engagement engine Physitrack supplemented by their own analysis, the healthcare provider can seamlessly combine treatments via clinical home exercises and education prescription with the provision and interpretation of client specific outcomes metrics. 

Our patient engagement platform also provides patient centric interaction via messaging and secure Telehealth which enhances treatment quality and the recovery process.

Digital Culture Alignment.

Align your organization for digital success.

An organisation’s digital culture is only as strong as its operators. Our technology helps with the challenges of aligning an organization to achieve digital goals. Our engineers and analysts can help you gain unique and instant insight into the success of your day-to-day work with gathering patient data, clinic by clinic, clinician by clinician.

You can easily identify problems and success stories with patient reporting and adherence. Benchmark expected condition-specific outcomes in different parts of your organisation or clinical network for an instant health check on your own organization. 

"Be the best you can be in digital outcomes management. We can help you."